Saturday, January 26, 2008

An anti-Clinton backlash?

Chait in the LA Times sums it up.

I suppose this constitutes an "I told you so" moment for conservatives. I myself have never had any illusions about Team Hillary's ability to play hardball politics--but there are serious doubts being raised inside liberal circles about the wisdom of using such tactics against fellow Democrats.

I would also remind folks that what the Clinton team has done pales by comparison with tactics employed by the right to seize and maintain power. However, what has been described as "Clinton Fatigue" amongst Democrats seems to be deepening to "Clinton Aversion".

I doubt that Hillary wanted to go negative in this campaign, but I think she sees the very real possibility that she might not win. Her once insurmountable lead has shrunk, she got a bloody nose in Iowa, barely edged a win in New Hampshire, and her win in Nevada actually yielded one fewer delegate than Obama. Her carefully constructed inevitability is no longer a given.

Her husband has added to her woes. The former President-once considered her "Ace-in-the hole"-has suddenly become something of a loose cannon. Voters who have never felt warmth for her now are looking for reasons to vote for another candidate. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Her candidacy is a house of cards.

The "whatever-it-takes" strategy might yield her the nomination, but it might prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. Already she faces the very real possiblity of hearing boos and catcalls at the convention this summer.

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