Edwards will withdraw today in New Orleans, at least according to reports on CNN and AP.
Rudy! ended his non-campaign and is throwing his weight (!) behind McCain.
Huckabee was only running for VP anyway, and became delusional after Iowa. Since then, a dose of reality. He was nowhere in SC and FL. Don't see him as viable anymore.
So. McCain vs Romney and Clinton vs. Obama.
I hesitate to prognosticate--along with so many others I had buried McCain months ago--but I thought it would by Romney vs. Obama all along. McCain's resurgence might upset that scenario...but it seems Mitt is the one is has been selected by the Bushies to inherit the throne of The Boy King.
Big play now for endorsements. Hillary and Obama can be counted on to work hard for the nod from Richardson, Edwards.... and Al Gore.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
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Avoid the rush, hate McCain early. Ann Coulter leads the way:
AC 1/23: John McCain is Bob Dole minus the charm, conservatism and youth. Like McCain, pollsters assured us that Dole was the most "electable" Republican. Unlike McCain, Dole didn't lie all the time while claiming to engage in Straight Talk.
AC 1/30: The bright side of the Florida debacle is that I no longer fear Hillary Clinton. (I mean in terms of her becoming president -- on a personal level, she's still a little creepy.) I'd rather deal with President Hillary than with President McCain. With Hillary, we'll get the same ruinous liberal policies with none of the responsibility.
I'll pass on McCain if he gets the nod and hope Ron Paul mounts that 3rd party run.
...well, I still think that Romney has the legs. He has been annointed by Ms. Coulter, The National Review, and it seems he is the double-secret chosen one of BushCo.
In truth I worry about Mitt's slickness. Obama does not fare well in debates (though he has improved) and the mittster might force him into a major gaffe.
On the other hand---Mitt and flip-flops...plus the evangelicals will 'prolly sit home.
UNLESS---Hillary is the nominee.
I am intrigued by the fall of Huckabee, linked to the fact that he was a baptist minister, and the rise of Mitt, a out Mormon. It breaks down like this... believe the same thing that the partyline dictates all of Amurica must- but believe it enough to actually take an active role in it... it's just crazy. But it you believe what most of Amurica dismisses an overgrown cult with a pension for ultra hot, but not so conservative MFF moresomes, well that is just my kinda crazy right there.
Party on Mitt.
The scariest thing I have read recently is that Huckabee & his senior advisers are followers of John Hageee. (I guess I should not call him a loon.)
Hagee is one of those "end times" guys that wants an intact Israel (usurping Palestine) so we can get on with Armagedon & the Second Coming.
I'm all for Salvation, but I hope it is a long time off.
I wish that Mitt had some strategy for less war.
I don't know if I should loathe or envy the End-is-Near industry. Quite a lucrative racket they've got going--witness the sales of the 'Left Behind' series of books.
But...Huckabee does seem to have some people skills. No less a leading lefty than REM lead singer Michael Stipe pronounced him "charming".
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