Thursday, February 28, 2008

We're all in Jail

I don't what, if anything, to make of it, but...

More Americans are in jail than anytime in history. We also appear to be the world leader in locking people up, with more people per capita behind bars than anyplace else on the planet.

I don't have any problem with locking away lawbreakers. However, if we're going to do so we'd best be prepared to pony up the cash for it.


Anonymous said...

Bring back stocks and flogging. No one ever said jail should be a comfortable stay. Pink walls, pink clothes, PBJ sandwiches and "prison loaf" are fine. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has the right idea.

Don Drennon said...

Agree wholeheartedly.

However--there is a stigma attached to harsh prison conditions, specialy here in the South, 'casue for so long prison labor was used to build up private fiefdoms.

That said---I still remember the case of a 14 year old in Charleston---convicted of murder--was sentanced but his lawyers parlayed his jv status into a 10-year sentance. Quoth the offender (to the media!): "I can do 10 years standing on my head..."

I'd druther have shorter, harsher prison terms, and segregation of people who have a chance at rehab from the dead-enders.